The dream institute

L’Institut du Rêve

Welcome to the training institute.

You just made the acquisition of this interactive training notebook.

It was designed for you. Everyone dreams but what to do of these dreams ? You will see it is easy and fun to discover what say the dreams.

Everyone carries a dream.This is a nice way to do it yours. I accompany you and you found along the route it is very simply clik the link as you go, measure the progress of your work.

At each stage an intervention guides you step by step, little by little the level of your training increases.

You will learn dream analysis and you go on. Know dream analysis begins with the story we tell about it is the first steps on the long road to self-realization.

The dream story isthe basis of the analysis we will learn to say the dream to recite it there is no sincerity greater than that of the one who recites a dream he is the only one having seen him it belongs to him. He is the only one can say it there is no false pretense of lie of doubt in the story of

dreamer social postures are suspended the hierarchy as in a party is reversed the power stakes

or influence are for a time taken nothing else remains.

That this rare and fragile object dreamlike production called dream full of mystery that moves us

completely challenges us and we alerts the dreamer to the meaning of life who tells a dream elaborates a word just and sincere, an improvisation in the background and in the form it is what gives its story its high creative value new and free.

This word is of a great strength for himself and for the others it develops self-esteem that there is a need to seek unity through his word and his dream that is to say to bejust the dreamer’s story is rooted in the most human part secret of our being it draws itsroots in the sacred and the spiritual andproduces therapeutic speech, premonitory and performative.

Recite a dream increases knowledge about dream and refine your abilitiesattention, listening and discovery story of a dream extended by words the sacredness of an immemorial rite finally found.

The analysis of a dream begins always by the story we tell you have chosen this extraordinary adventure and you did well on the way for dream analysis forward to self-realization.

The entire site will be soon in English and other various language. However you can right now follow some french interventions.

See you soon on the site.

Stéphane Renard

Stéphane Renard
Stéphane Renard

Fondateur de l’Institut du Rêve

Formation que faire des rêves

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